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Which Xylota? (2+2 pics)
Rupert Huber
Hello to all!
Are these both Xylota segnis?
Their sizes were between 12 and 15mm.
The female made a very nervous impression, changing flowers every few seconds and disappearing soon.
The male as one knows them ran around on the leaves, to my benefit having some breaks, so that I could take some pics.

11 July 2009, Austria, Salzburger Land, Russbach am Pass Gschütt, about 860m asl


1st (female)
Edited by Rupert Huber on 18-07-2009 18:54
Rupert Huber
2nd (female)
Rupert Huber
3rd (male)
Rupert Huber
4th (male)
The first two I don't know, but #3 and 4 is X. segnis.
Xylota segnis is always found on leaves.
Pierre Duhem
Rupert Huber
Thanks to both of you!
For #3 and 4 I had only the doubts of one who made the experience to be wrong when being sureWink

@Pierre: Yes, except for having lunch, as I suppose, so I think this should not exclude it for the one on pics #1 and 2.


I have read that they feed on pollen deposited on leaves by the wind.
Pierre Duhem
Nrs 1 and 2 need to be collected for a solid ID.
Rupert Huber
Andre wrote:
Nrs 1 and 2 need to be collected for a solid ID.

So that's why it was so nervous, but it was lucky enough that it was only me who takes nothing but pictures Wink

Can you narrow down the range a bit... with the reddish front part of the abdomen and the legs' colour I think I can exclude all of those with pictures in the "Kormann" and in the gallery here (except segnis), so that from the Bavarian list remain abiens, florum, and tarda. For Austria I couldn't find a list, but the location was not very far away from Bavaria (30 kms east), so that there shouldn't be many more species.

pierred wrote:
I have read that they feed on pollen deposited on leaves by the wind.

Could be, if they don't need too much energy. Kormann writes in his book (which actually lied to me more than once till now) that they (X. segnis) sometimes visit Angelica, Rubus, Ranunculus and Euphorbia, but nothing about Apiaceae, as mine did here.
So the location actually might be a hint away from segnis.

Thank you so far and best greetings
Kormann probably is talking about the flowers, not the leaves. Segnis can be found on many surfaces.

About 1 and 2: tarda seems a good candidate, because the spots look reddish and devided into spots, rather than bands like in segnis. Also the spines on the hind femur look small instead of long (long in segnis).
Hope this helped a bit?
Rupert Huber
Thank you very much, Andre!
This is much more than I hoped for. So I'm gonna take it as X. cf. tarda

Andre wrote:
Kormann probably is talking about the flowers, not the leaves.

Sure, that was what I was writing about, but perhaps not expressed clearly enough. And it was already about #1 and 2, being on the flower of an Apiaceae, what might give a hint not to be segnis (now, of course, you gave the much better hints Smile )

Concernig #3 and 4 there is not any doubt left for me that it's a segnis.

Thanks again and greetings
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17.08.23 15:23

17.08.23 13:54
Tony, I HAD a blank in the file name. Sorry!

17.08.23 13:44
Tony, thanks! I tried it (see "Cylindromyia" Wink but don't see the image in the post.

17.08.23 11:37
pjt - just send the post and attached image. Do not preview thread, as this will lose the link to the image,

16.08.23 08:37
Tried to attach an image to a forum post. jpg, 32kB, 72dpi, no blanks, ... File name is correctly displayed, but when I click "Preview Thread" it just vanishes. Help!

23.02.23 21:29
Has anyone used the Leica DM500, any comments.

27.12.22 21:10
Thanks, Jan Willem! Much appreciated. Grin

19.12.22 11:33
Thanks Paul for your work on keeping this forum available! Just made a donation via PayPal.

09.10.22 17:07
Yes, dipterologists from far abroad, please buy your copy at veldshop. Stamps will be expensive, but he, the book is unreasonably cheap Smile

07.10.22 11:55
Can any1 help out with a pdf copy of 1941 Hammer. Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. 105; thank you

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