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Muscidae identifiable? (20.05.18) --> Helina cf. evecta
Juergen Peters

can at least the genus be determined? Ca. 7-8 mm, doing "gymnastics" on an Alliaria petiolata plant on a fallow near a small creek (northwest Germany).
Edited by Juergen Peters on 22-05-2018 17:32
Best regards,

Juergen Peters
Borgholzhausen, Germany
WWW: http://insektenfo...
Juergen Peters
Larger pic:
Best regards,

Juergen Peters
Borgholzhausen, Germany
WWW: http://insektenfo...
could be Helina but it needs to shower. looks like it was enjoying a night out at the flower pub Smile
John and Nini. Naturalists not experts.
Juergen Peters
Hello John,

thanks! There were many Helina evecta around recently. I already thought it could be one of them.

1600x1600 pic:
Edited by Juergen Peters on 21-05-2018 23:36
Best regards,

Juergen Peters
Borgholzhausen, Germany
WWW: http://insektenfo...
Hello Jürgen,

I agree with evecta for various reasons but it is difficult to put a species level id to such a dirty fly. We could be surprised to find it is annosa or something else. I've learned to be more cautious these days. I have no problem with Helina cf evecta. My initial thoughts were evecta based solely upon the wings, hairy eyes and abdomen.

Also: i often view the spider forum to see what people are finding. I noticed your post. The Theridiidae spider is not Sardinidion blackwalli. I can post a photo of Sardinidion blackwalli if you want to see it along with pedipalp. Anyway, i agree with Theridion as a possibility.

Edited by johnes81 on 22-05-2018 00:04
John and Nini. Naturalists not experts.
Juergen Peters
Hello John,

johnes81 wrote:
such a dirty fly. We could be surprised to find it is annosa or something else. I've learned to be more cautious these days. I have no problem with Helina cf evecta. My initial thoughts were evecta based solely upon the wings, hairy eyes and abdomen.

no problem. H. evecta is an abundant fly here. There's no need to base a record on such an individual.

Also: i often view the spider forum to see what people are finding. I noticed your post. The Theridiidae spider is not Sardinidion blackwalli.

Yes. I hoped to get some new opinions, what it could be, before I changed the subject line, but there are none yet.

I can post a photo of Sardinidion blackwalli if you want to see it along with pedipalp.

Always nice to see an interesting spider. Smile

Anyway, i agree with Theridion as a possibility.

Thanks. There's often Theridion cf. melanurum here at the house, but mostly I only find females.
Best regards,

Juergen Peters
Borgholzhausen, Germany
WWW: http://insektenfo...
Hello Jürgen,

I forgot to tell you that I found Helina sp that looks very similar to one of your posts. Please allow me time to analyze the genitalia for an id. If the fly matches yours, then i will update your post with a name.

Meantime, here is a photo of Sardinidion blackwalli from a few days ago. The pedipalp is much different than the one in your photo. From a lateral view, you should see a strong curve. The curve isn't present in your photos. I will try to look at your photos more when i have some free time. Unless someone beats me to it.

please let me know if you wish to see larger photos.

John and Nini. Naturalists not experts.
Juergen Peters
Hello John,

johnes81 wrote:
Meantime, here is a photo of Sardinidion blackwalli from a few days ago.

thanks a lot.

The pedipalp is much different than the one in your photo. From a lateral view, you should see a strong curve. The curve isn't present in your photos.

Yes, also Tobias Bauer had posted a link to S. blackwalli, which shows these massive pedipalps: http://arachno.pi...blackwalli

please let me know if you wish to see larger photos.

I'm afraid this becomes a little off topic here... awkward
Best regards,

Juergen Peters
Borgholzhausen, Germany
WWW: http://insektenfo...
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17.08.23 15:23

17.08.23 13:54
Tony, I HAD a blank in the file name. Sorry!

17.08.23 13:44
Tony, thanks! I tried it (see "Cylindromyia" Wink but don't see the image in the post.

17.08.23 11:37
pjt - just send the post and attached image. Do not preview thread, as this will lose the link to the image,

16.08.23 08:37
Tried to attach an image to a forum post. jpg, 32kB, 72dpi, no blanks, ... File name is correctly displayed, but when I click "Preview Thread" it just vanishes. Help!

23.02.23 21:29
Has anyone used the Leica DM500, any comments.

27.12.22 21:10
Thanks, Jan Willem! Much appreciated. Grin

19.12.22 11:33
Thanks Paul for your work on keeping this forum available! Just made a donation via PayPal.

09.10.22 17:07
Yes, dipterologists from far abroad, please buy your copy at veldshop. Stamps will be expensive, but he, the book is unreasonably cheap Smile

07.10.22 11:55
Can any1 help out with a pdf copy of 1941 Hammer. Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. 105; thank you

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