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Terms Infusion (Glossary) - v3.10
| B |
basicalypter |
lower calypter (synonym) | basicosta |
The distal one of the two plates in the axillary area of the wing along which the costa of the wing articulates. The tegula is the proximal one.
Synonyms: humeral plate, subepaulet.
Image given: http://www.dgrc.k..._plate.gif |
| basitarsus |
first tarsomere (synonym) | bibliographic reference |
For nomenclatural purposes this is the citation of the author and date of publication. A full bibliographic reference would include, in addition to the author's name and the year, the citation of the exact source of the scientific name, for example, the title of the book or journal, volume, page, etc.: Syrphus vitripennis Meigen, 1822 (Meig. Syst. Beschr. III, 308, 50).
| binominal nomenclature |
The generally accepted system of nomenclature, adopted by the International Congress of Zoology, by which the scientific name of an animal is designated by both a generic and a specific name: the system under which each species receives a name consisting of two words, of which the first is the generic name and the second is the specific name, e.g., Musca domestica.
Links: International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature.
| biosystematics |
Biosystematics is the word for the science encompassing taxonomy, systematics, biology, ecology and spatial and geographical distribution. It provides information to support many fields of (biological) research and beneficial applied programmes.
Links: | biserial |
In two rows | black scavenger flies |
Vernacular name used for the family Sepsidae.
Links: http://en.wikiped...i/Sepsidae.
| black soldier fly |
Vernacular name for Hermetia illucens (Stratiomyidae).
Links: http://en.wikiped...a_illucens. | blow flies |
Vernacular name used for the family Calliphoridae, but sometimes restricted to the type genus Calliphora.
Links: http://en.wikiped...i/Blow-fly. | boreal |
1. As in 'boreal species': A species occuring in subarctic (Northern hemisphere) and subantarctic (Southern hemisphere) zones, although Austral is the preferred term for the latter. For example: the distribution of Dolichopus maculipennis Zett. is given as "arctic-high boreal" by Ringdahl (1951) and as "a boreal moorland species" from the Soviet Union, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark by Stackleberg (1933).
2. As in 'boreal' region, habitat or system: Subarctic ecosystems (Northern hemisphere).
| brachypterous |
With short wings, short-winged. See brachyptery. | brachyptery |
A condition where the size of the wing is reduced in comparison with a normally winged specimen. A distinction should be made between 'small-winged' species, that always have short, but fully functional wings, and brachypterous species, in which wing size in some or all individuals has been reduced to such an extent that flight is impossible.
Brachyptery is often found in species that have a parasitic, terrestrial or even subterranean life style or that are found in other circumstances where wings are of little uses (e.g., boreal conditions or locations without natural enemies like some oceanic islands).
Within certain species fully-winged individuals may occur next to brachypterous individuals and/or apterous individuals. | bristle |
seta (synonym) | C |
callus |
Plural: calli.
Bare and shining area on the frons, in particular in some groups of orthorrhaphous Diptera, e.g., Tabanidae and (female) Therevidae. | callus |
Plural: calli.
Mound-like, rounded or elongate swelling of the exoskeleton (the body surface), especially on the thorax; see: humeral callus, prealar callus, postalar callus. | calypter |
The posterobasal portion of the axillary membrane, joining the hind margin of the wing to the thorax, forms two basal lobes called the calypteres (sing. calypter; squamae, squamulae). The proximal lobe, called the lower calypter, begins as a narrow, membranous ligament arising from the furrow between the scutellum and the postnotum and ends where the more distal lobe, the upper calypter, folds sharply over it.
Links: http://en.wikiped.../Calypters | calyptral fold |
Fold between the lower calypter and upper calypter. | calyptral fringe |
The fringe of hairs along the posterior margin of each calypter. | Calyptratae |
Calyptratae is a subsection of Schizophora in the insect order Diptera, commonly referred to as the calyptrate muscoids (or simply calyptrates). It consists of those flies which possess a calypter that covers the halteres, among which are some of the most familiar of all flies, such as the house fly.
Links: Diptera classification |
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