Thread subject: :: Tachinidae - September - Medina cf. separata
A Medina-ish Tachinid. Attracted to light trap - September 7, Telemark Norway.
Posted by
Zeegers on 01-12-2021 07:42
It is a female Medina, possibly separata.
Thanks so much! Medina separata seems to be rare in Norway. Sees that the shape of the tergits is important. Maybe I could look at it in a stereomicroscope. Is "The Tachinids (Diptera: Tachinidae) of Central Europe" an ok key?
Posted by
Zeegers on 01-12-2021 18:04
Yes, please make a shot from behind. It might be collaris, if that is any help.
Posted by
Zeegers on 01-12-2021 18:05
And yes, the key is excellent. there is an English translation freely available on Chris Rapers website.
Thanks. I did not find it where I thought it was. Perhaps later - sorry.