Thread subject: :: ID,please.

Posted by anto on 23-12-2007 12:21

Barcelona, Spain 6.2007

Posted by Sundew on 23-12-2007 12:44

Female of Sphaerophoria cf. scripta (Syrphidae).

Posted by Kahis on 23-12-2007 12:53

Sphaerophoria sp. female (NOT scripta though).

Posted by Andre on 23-12-2007 14:24

C.f. scripta though Wink

Posted by pierred on 23-12-2007 17:49

Oh, guys, please explain...

Even as I know the general conclusion (females can't be identified, only male S. scripta when the wings are longer than the abdomen), it seems that you rely on more criteria.

Please share some knowledge with the poor knowledge-hungry forum members Pfft

Edited by pierred on 23-12-2007 17:49

Posted by crex on 23-12-2007 18:48

One clue is the central stripe of the frons. If it is narrowing downwards it is S. scripta, if widening it's not. That I find hard to see from this angle.

Posted by Andre on 23-12-2007 21:02

That central stripe is very variable in most species. It's no species of the rueppellii-group, that's clear (the yellow marking on the sides of the thorax extend beyond the sutur up to the base of the scutellum). So leaves a number of species of which, based on this picture, hardly any sure ID can be given. Anyone who does, is speculating. Unless variability, this one mostly 'looks' like scripta. But that's as far as I want to go (even though some species can rather reliably be disregarded, but scripta just can't, based on this picture).