Wow, again a great find Nikita!
By the look of the bend in vein R4+5 it is in the Eristalinae, Eristalini.
Furthermore cell R1 is closed, and that would place it somewhere in Eristalis, Eristalinus or something closely related!
In the Oriental there are more genera close to Eristalis, like Pseudoeristalis or Phytomya.
But I don?t know yet!
Well, after some more study on the specimen and fighting with some names (old ones, wrong ones and synonyms) it turns out that it is in fact a very close related genus to Axona, and it goes by the name:
Kertesziomyia calliphoroides Shiraki, 1968
I'm now quite sure of the genus, whether it is calliphoroides I don't know for 100%!