Thread subject: :: Medetera (Dolichopodidae) fly & prey Cecidomyiinae+Porricondylinae.
Badem, RLP, Germany; 10 Sep 2021; cf Drosophilidae Fam fly; can somebody ID it? It is sitting on a window sill eating an aphid that is laying eggs (4).
Medetera (Dolichopodidae) feeding on a larva.
Thanks for your help. Whatever the insect is that it is feeding on, it laid 4 eggs while I was taking photos.
Jim Senn wrote:
Whatever the insect is that it is feeding on, it laid 4 eggs while I was taking photos.
Ah, yes. Now I see the legs. So no larva...
I think the prey might be a gall midge. Certainly no aphid because I can see halters.
Paul Beuk wrote:
I think the prey might be a gall midge. Certainly no aphid because I can see halters.
It has the short first tarsomere of the Cecidomyiinae+Porricondylinae clade.
Thanks, to both of you for the help. I had switched between Aphid & Fly a couple of times. I'll look at it again with this information.