Thread subject: :: Conioscinella zetterstedti
Who know's the name of this small fly with short wings..?
Found 7-5-2018 near the beach in south of Holland.
Posted by
weia on 11-08-2022 22:19
Aphanotrigonum brachypterum?
Posted by
weia on 12-08-2022 17:17
That's not (yet) on the Dutch species list, but the name sounds good.
Jan and Weia, thank you for your reactions! Nice that you know it Jan!
It had very small wings...
Chloropidae: Conioscinella zetterstedti Andersson, 1966, in earlier times identified by many authors as "C. brachyptera (Zetterstedt, 1848)" but not identical with Aphanotrigonum brachypterum (Zetterstedt, 1848). A typical species in marine dunes covered with Ammophila arenaria; Europe until Siberia and Kamchatka, North America. Mass occurrence in Barber traps among Ammopgila tussocks. A detailed article: Brauns, A. 1938: Die Flügelrückbildung bei der Strandfliege Conioscinella brachyptera Zett. (Diptera; Chloropidae) und die Beziehungen zur Ausbildung der Flügelsinneskuppeln. - Zoologischer Anzeiger 123(10-12): 281-295.
Wheler, Terry A. 1994.
Conioscinella zetterstedti Andersson (Diptera: Chloropidae), a chloropid fly with polymorphic wing reduction, new to the Nearctic and central Palaearctic regions. Canadian Entomologist 126(6):1377-1381.
"Although previously known only from supralittoral areas on the shores of the North and Baltic seas, collection data in the Nearctic and central Palaearctic regions indicate that C. zetterstedti may be abundant in various decay communities including peatlands, swamps, lake shore debris, mammal nests, forest leaf litter, and around the bases of vegetation."
Von Tschirnhaus and John: Thank you for your added reactions!
I changed the name...