Thread subject: :: Melanostoma?
I'm in the dark with this one. The pattern in the abdomen it's similar to Melanostoma's sp., but the sculetum seems to have the wrong colour...
Joaquim Gaspar
Posted by
Andre on 17-01-2008 13:06
This is a
Meliscaeva auricollis (in some books still
Episyrphus auricollis). A female. In this case with very characteristic spots on tergite 2. A very common species in Spain (as everywhere).
One simple reason why it's no
Melanostoma or
Platycheirus: the yellowish scutellum.
Thank you Andre. This species is not very common here, otherwise I would have noticed it before. Or maybe it is more common during the winter?
Posted by
Andre on 17-01-2008 15:18
It can be very numerous in early spring yes, though in some years the numbers can stay low. Early spring it's also easier to pick, because there are not so many Syrphids that look like it.
When did you make this picture? Please don't forget to mention that as well..

I took the picture today, in Lisbon

Posted by
Andre on 17-01-2008 15:53
Is it NEVER winter over there?

It is raining now and the outside temperature in Lisbon is around 15?C

Posted by
Andre on 17-01-2008 17:08
Sounds like spring

Over here it's raining too at this moment. Temperature around 10?C. Much too warm for the time of year...