I am quite sure that my ID is correct, however, Xanthogramma stackelbergi is not included in the Slovak checklist. Slovakia, Banská Bystrica region, Great Fatra mts., Harmanec, 25 June 2023, mountain valley near stream, mixed forests (beecch, spruce, fir, etc.) on slopes.
It sat quite high, I could not manage a better photos.
Thank you in advance
And lateral view. The membrane between tergites and sternites is mostly yellow, similar to X. dives, however, I think other characteristics (abdomen pattern, wings) match better X. stackelbergi.
Well, your ID is supported by 1. the rather weak dark wing spot, 2. the abscense of darkening on the wing tip, and 3. the rather narrow edge of the yellow spot on tergite 2. My own experience with stackelbergi is, however, very limited.
Thank you, Karsten. I haven't expected this species. I hoped to find the Xanthoramma dives. It was even probably my first Xanthogramma in this, rather mountainous, location. All my other Xanthogramma pictures are from the suburbs of my city (Banská Bystrica).