Posted by
Johane on 07-08-2023 22:19
Hi, I wonder about the meaning of some species epithets in Calliphoridae and Muscidae
1. Calliphora
genarum (Zetterstedt, 1838). Is it simply genitive plural of gena=cheek?
2. Bellardia
bayeri (Jacentkovský, 1937). Named after a person, I assume?
3. Neomyia
cornicina (Fabricius, 1781)
Thanks in advance for your help!
To Bellardia bayeri - apparently it was named after Emil Bayer, Professor of the University of Agriculture, Brno, a renowned phytopathologist and entomologist and also founder of the external subdivision of this university in Lednice, Moravia. About the time of the description Dimitriy Jacentkovsky worked for this subdivision in Lednice.
The relation the names C. genarum to gena (cheek) and N. cornicina to cornix (crow) seems probable, but it is difficult to find more clear explanation.