Thank you for that Valery! If I'd been there you would have known
I wasn't at ICD 10 mainly due to the location. Surely there had to be a better choice of venue than a Casino in the middle of Reno! I'm no Dipera expert, I just went to the other ICD's to sit in on a few presentations etc., meet the people I got to know on here, have a few drinks with some of them, [have far too many drinks with a few of them too
] and get out and about with my camera photographing insects. My wife and I chose to meet up with our son in S.F. who wanted to escape the heat in Houston, Texas where he lives. While in S.F. I spoke to a guy from Reno who'd escaped from the heat there as it was 107F, compared to the 75F in S.F. All being well I'm hoping to go to the next one in Croatia!
In fact, the meeting was pretty good and interesting, and there was a discount for the accommodation there... But yeah, the Congress fee was quite high.
After that, I visited SF CAS and some places around with Severyn.