Thread subject: :: Spring outbreak in cold northwest Germany :-)

Posted by Juergen Peters on 08-02-2008 21:47


Many Episyrphus balteatus (the first 2008) at sunny 10-12 ?C in the garden today Grin:

Also honey bees, bumble bees, mining bees (Andrena clarkella) and the first Small Tortoise Shell (Aglais urticae).

Edited by Juergen Peters on 08-02-2008 21:48

Posted by Xespok on 09-02-2008 08:37

I observed two females yesterday in Hungary. The weather was quite mild.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 09-02-2008 23:37

Hello, Gabor!

Xespok wrote:
I observed two females yesterday in Hungary. The weather was quite mild.

Today we had 13-14 ?C Smile. Dozens of Episyrphus and Eristalis tenax, and the next two butterfly species: Gonepteryx rhamni and Polygonia c-album.


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 10-02-2008 02:26

yep. And I know that was discovered very recently a new species of butterfly in South of Spain that was only cited in Africa... Wink