Hello Jan,
Jan Maca wrote:
Do you have a possibility to make a picture from the side?
at least, the fly still lived today, it was flying in our store room. But I think, it was rather by incident that I saw it one more time...
From this picture I can rather consider a very dark immigrans
Shouldn't that species posess darkened veins?
or a member of virilis group (apparently not D. funebris because of different 4v-index).
Thank you very much. If I see the fly again, I will try my best to get a lateral photo.
The first photo demonstrates how the identification from only one picture can be tricky. This picture did not show spotted mesonotum, on the other hand there were slight "shadows" on transverse veins. Thank you for making the second photo of apparently the same specimen. Now I agree that the fly is D. hydei. Btw, having only the second photo, one could believe that this fly has black wings