Thread subject: :: Volucella elegans?

Posted by javig on 19-02-2008 21:40

Hi! I read this post

and this one

and I have reviewed my collection of photos and I found these

Are taken at the same time and place (Granada, 16Sep07) as the Volucella inanis, in fact I think that on the same plant...

Volucella elegans it's ok?


Posted by Andre on 20-02-2008 01:13

This is elegans yes, very nice Smile

Posted by javig on 20-02-2008 19:55

Thanks Andre,

in the post about V. inanis I said that was a very common species, but I thought that all Volucella that I saw were the same species... Now I know they were two different species... Reviewing my photos, the common species are V. elegans (more photos) and only one photo of V. inanis...

Posted by Andre on 20-02-2008 23:26

But no zonaria?

Posted by javig on 22-02-2008 19:52

mmm... after seeing the photos in the gallery, I think that I have never seen zonaria...