Thread subject: :: Assistance to ID requested

Posted by Gordon Jar on 20-02-2008 18:48

The attached photo was taken on 13/02/08 in South East England alongside a rural farm track.

The patterning does not appear similar to any Syphidae I have seen. It does seem similar to ' Meligramma trianguliferum ' but suspect it may be to early in the year for this species.

I would be grateful for any assistance to ID it or is there just too little detail to say ? I was unhappily only able to get the one photo.

Many thanks


Posted by Paul Beuk on 20-02-2008 21:20

Looks like 'Platycheirus scutatus' but I gather some had the gall to split that one up, too. Wink

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 20-02-2008 21:40

Nope, it's the omnipresent Meliscaeva auricollis again! Grin

Posted by Gordon Jar on 20-02-2008 21:47

Thankyou very much
