Thread subject: :: Platycheirus?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-02-2006 12:50

During the "dead insecta season" I come back to some of my old pictures which store as Syrphidae sp.
First days of may, Moscow region, "melanostoma size".

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 22-02-2006 15:17

No, not a species of Platycheirus.
This one is a species of Parasyrphus, and I am pretty sure this is a female of Parasyrphus lineolus!

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-02-2006 21:59

Thank you Gerard.

Posted by Guenter on 23-02-2006 08:39

Why are you "pretty sure"?
(Sorry, I'm still trying to learn to recognize the species)

Thanks, G?nter

Edited by Guenter on 23-02-2006 09:15

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 24-02-2006 10:05

Hello Guenther,
Well, the genus Platycheirus doesn't have a yellow face with a black stripe in the middle like this one has. Together with the yellow banded abdomen this immediatly points out to a species of Parasyrphus. Finally, the antennae are black and it's third leg is almost entirely black, only the knee is a bit yellowish.
To me, all this points out to a female of Parasyrphus lineolus!

Posted by Guenter on 25-02-2006 22:32

Thanks Gerard!
It was clear to me that it's not a Platycheirus but I've got some difficulties distinguishing the genera of Syrphini (Syrphus, Eupeodes, Parasyrphus...).