Thread subject: :: < Meliscaeva auricollis (male) > ID by Paul

Posted by valter on 31-05-2008 14:31

Location: Algarve, Portugal

Date Photo Taken: May 31, 2008

Edited by valter on 20-10-2008 15:37

Posted by jonas on 31-05-2008 17:23

Episyrphus (Meliscaeva) cinctella?

Not shure, so better come back for a confirmation Wink

Posted by Paul Beuk on 31-05-2008 18:31

Meliscaeva auricollis (or whetever genus it is in nowadays).

Posted by jonas on 31-05-2008 19:45


Why is it a Meliscaeca auricollis? Not that I don't believe you, just curious Smile

Bye, Jonas

Edited by jonas on 31-05-2008 21:50

Posted by Paul Beuk on 31-05-2008 19:52

The bands on the abdomen should fully reach the lateral margin in cinctella in here they are large (if the wholy) free from the lateral margin. Also, the markings in segment 2 should be smaller in the other species.

Posted by jonas on 31-05-2008 20:18

Allright; thanks!