Thread subject: :: Is this Sphaerophoria, and then which species?

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 12-06-2008 17:05


Someone told me this fly should be Sphaerophoria, but looking at the species of the genus, it doesn't seem any in my area. Do you have any idea? Thanks.

Eating nectar from Leucanthemum vulgare, road vegetation border in a stone-oak environment, Can Benet, Sales de Llierca, Girona, Spain, UTM31T DG7177, 250 m, 12.06.2008.

Posted by Sundew on 12-06-2008 17:45

Looks like a male Sphaerophoria indeed. Post it in the Syrphidae forum to attract the experts! The double thread without photo can easily be deleted with the "edit" function, going to "delete this thread".
Regards, Sundew

Posted by Susan R Walter on 13-06-2008 09:26

It is clearly Sphaerophoria scripta, with wings tips obviously falling short of the tip of the abdomen.

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 13-06-2008 19:44

Thank you very much, it seemed to me the colour of the abdomen looked somewhat different as, i.e., the picture of Gerard Pennards, with black-pale yellow-black-bright yellow... in my picture, but I suppose is because intraspecific variation...

Posted by Susan R Walter on 14-06-2008 21:55

Yes, the amount of yellow can vary a lot.Smile