Thread subject: :: Two unknown Syrphidae

Posted by Markus Gebel on 07-07-2008 11:41

Hello friends

Breakfast of two small unknown Syrphidae (8-10mm).

Foto: M.gebel - west-germany (d?sseldorf) - 5.07.2008

best regards

Edited by Markus Gebel on 07-07-2008 11:43

Posted by Paul Beuk on 07-07-2008 12:26

Melanostoma mellinum, Mr (left) and Mrs (right) I think.

Posted by Andre on 15-07-2008 20:43

Jep. What a sweet couple it is! Grin

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 16-07-2008 21:23

Female seems to have heavily dusted face, thus more likely Melanostoma scalare.
Male has very dark antennae, and I can guess a dilated fore tarsus, so I think it is Platycheirus sp.

Posted by Andre on 17-07-2008 20:18

Stephane... I've become too lazy and not using my eyes lately. You are absolutely right! Shock