Thread subject: :: Eristalis courtship

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 16-07-2008 20:28

Moscow region, 04 July. Courtship of Eristalis was observed. On the field 3 males followed 1 female. When female flied, males follow female. When female sat, all three males hovered over female: one 1-2cm above female, second 3-5cm, third ? about 10-15cm. It repeated several times. No one of males tried to mate female, it seems that males waited for for female agreement. Finally this group disappeared out, but without the most ?modest? male (the third one).

Could you help me with species level ID, please?

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 16-07-2008 21:16

This is an Eristalis interrupta behaviour, as far as I know.

Posted by conopid on 16-07-2008 21:39

Hi Nikita,
In the UK this would certainly be E interrupta (interruptus). I have watched the same behaviour for about two minutes, with no mating taking place.
It is a wonderful show to watchGrin

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 17-07-2008 19:11

Thank you Stephane and Nigel.

Posted by Andre on 17-07-2008 20:11

I agree. Also the very narrow black facial stripe tells it's interrupta (= nemorum).