Thread subject: :: Eumerus nivetibia & bayardi

Posted by Maddin on 24-07-2008 21:03

Here are the pics of the type of bayardi, sorry for the poor quality, but I took the pics in the Paris museum with not the best equipment...

Edited by Maddin on 24-07-2008 21:04

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 25-07-2008 10:38

Dear Martin,
Thanks for the info! I appreciate it very much. Is your specimen from Spain niveitibia or bayardi or another one?
I have Seguy's key, and indeed a saw bayardi, but it didn't fit completely and and it seemingly doesn't occur in Greece. But from these pictures it's clear they are related species.
So, is the group bayardi, niveitbia and ovalis? Or are there more?
Maybe one scarce species in southern europe which is quite variable? So bayardi, niveitibia and maybe more are just one species?

Posted by Maddin on 25-07-2008 21:37

I thought the Spanish one is different from bayardi and back in the days when I looked at the flies, I thought first that I have a straight forward synonym, but I decided that bayardi and nivetibia are two species and the Sanish one also looked different... Maybe we should together take a closer look at these rare critters... I will dissect one of the males and make a drawing... maybe this helps... I had no time in Paris to dissect theSeguy specimen, I had too much on my plate... But I want to do more with Eumerus anyway in the near future...

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 27-07-2008 21:31

Yeah, now you're talking, a new article by the two of us for the next issue of Volucella?? GrinGrinGrin