Thread subject: :: Small black one --> Pipizella sp. (m)
Posted by
Juergen Peters
on 28-07-2008 18:53
This only 3.5-4 mm long Syrphid sat on a leaf in our garden on July-13 (northwest Germany). I am not sure into which genus to put it:
Edited by
Juergen Peters
on 28-07-2008 20:46
Posted by
Gerard Pennards
on 28-07-2008 20:19
A Pipizella male, but the rest you can guess....
Most common is P. varipes, but that's just to inform you...
Posted by
Juergen Peters
on 28-07-2008 20:45
Gerard Pennards wrote:
A Pipizella male, but the rest you can guess....
Most common is P. varipes, but that's just to inform you...
Thanks a lot, Gerard!