Thread subject: :: ID help
Posted by
Ragne on 11-08-2008 09:18
Cant find this spec in the gallery
Maybe some one know this spec and can give me a name of it
Location: Southwest Sweden (V?sterg?tland)
Date: 2008-AUG-08
Habitat: Meadow in wood
// Ragne
This is a male of
Eriozona syrphoides (Syrphidae).
Posted by
Ragne on 11-08-2008 14:35
Many thanks
If you have time, will you please look in Syrphide forum
thread "Meliscaeva ?"
Best regards
Posted by
Andre on 11-08-2008 20:12
Can you add this photo to the Syrphidae gallery please?
Posted by
pierred on 12-08-2008 06:12
At which altitude above sea level ?
In France, it seems that this species is bound to medium altitudes (200-400 m).
Posted by
Ragne on 14-08-2008 13:18
I have submited the Photo to the gallery
But I forgot to say it was a male
Altitude is about 150m
Habitat is meadow in forest, near heathland