Thread subject: :: Another Chielosia

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 28-04-2006 23:00

Moscow, 27 apr, 6-7mm, eyes with hairs, but thin, not as in case of Ch. albipila, body in short yellow hairs.

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 09-05-2006 20:53

Hello Nikita,
Yes, a difficult one from just a picture! Especially because in your region there are probably a lot of species I don't know!
It look like it belongs in the C. bergenstammi group, it might even be a female of C. bergenstammi!

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 09-05-2006 22:24

Thank you Gerard, with this information I'll try to work with collected fly.

Posted by John Smit on 15-05-2006 09:12

Looks rather blackish to me for a C. bergenstammi, but cant come up with a better idea.... sorry!


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 16-05-2006 23:34

Thank you Gerard and John.
Well today I worked with fly, which I collected. According my key Ch. bergenstammi has to have long black setas apicaly on scutellum, but there are only yellowish hair.
So: f - black; antenae 3-d - red-yellow, almost rounded; t - yellow with wide black ring; thorax - with short hair; arista - bare.
In my key it is Ch. chloris.
Is it possible?

Posted by John Smit on 17-05-2006 20:04

I don't know C. chloris that well, but I thinks it's possible.
