Posted by
pierred on 16-08-2008 18:18
In the P?rigord (south of France), 2008/VII/23, 270 masl, size: 22-25mm (really huge like a Vespa crabro !!).
I don't know whether the species has holoptic eyes. Anyway, I saw several specimens in a few days and some of them had a very territorial behaviour, chasing from their territory (a square of thristles) other Diptera (mainly Eristalini), but also Hymenoptera (wild bees) and even Lepidoptera.
Posted by
pierred on 18-08-2008 06:22
Thanks for your comments.
The photo on flicker is awesome!!
I've found a picture of
M. crabroniformis in Matile's book and it seems that the eyes of this species are not holoptic. The painting by S?guy shows a female with a space between eyes which is broader than on my picture.
Btw, I'm not sure that the picture already in the gallery is really a female.
Edited by
pierred on 18-08-2008 06:29