Posted by
pierred on 08-05-2006 17:48
It seems that my mating couple doesn't call for comments.
This afternoon, I saw one of them (still the two whitish hair strips in the eyes and the two whitish bands on the thorax).
Edited by
pierred on 08-05-2006 17:48
Posted by
pierred on 08-05-2006 18:09
Somebody told me on another forum that this sould be
Paragus sp., maybe
Paragus pechiolii (ex
P. majoranae).
Well, taking M.P. van Veen's key from the
Paragus genus, I follow the key :
1.b. Eyes, pilosity distributed in bands, scutellum black or black with yellow tip --> 4.
4.a. Tergites without yellow bands but black or (partly) red, generally with silverish bands of dust... thoracic dorsum: dull with 2 stripes of dust. --> 5
5.a. Head in side view: face somewhat protruding, scutellum often with yellow tip --> 6
6.b. Tergites 3 and 4: bands od silverish dust well-defined (figure 549 =
P. pechiolii)
Is this somehow correct?
Thanks for your comments. Please be kind with me, it's the first time I use a key.
Hello pierre,
Yes, it is quite correct! It's indeed a Paragus species, and if you follow the key coorectly you will indeed end with P. pecchiolii!
So, no need to worry, you did quite well!