Thread subject: :: Eristalis tenax? Israel

Posted by zcuc on 15-10-2008 00:11

Look like Eristalis tenax but I never saw those strips on thorax.

Edited by zcuc on 17-10-2008 12:48

Posted by Roger Thomason on 15-10-2008 00:34

Looks like Helophilus pendulus. Should be in Syrphid Thread

Posted by zcuc on 15-10-2008 01:44


I notice that in other photos of H.pendulud there is no thin median line on thorax. and second yellow line on abdomen seem to be split in the middle opposite to my complete line. Does it only inter sp. variation?

Edited by zcuc on 16-10-2008 20:10

Posted by Roger Thomason on 16-10-2008 21:09

I'm no expert zcuc but I do know the difference between Eristalis and Helophilus, but as to the split in the median line on the thorax I have not seen that on any of the examples I have photographed. If you could move this ( or Paul or Chris) to the proper forum I'm sure you'll get a proper response. Regards Roger

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 20-10-2008 11:39

Well, Maybe a Helophilus, but not one of the normal ones from the european continent. This could be H. parallelus, but I'm not sure!
Another possibility would be a Mesembrius sp., but that's not sure from the pictures either. Maybe I'll get back to after looking at some literature and stuff.

Posted by zcuc on 25-02-2009 14:23

Hi all,
I'm promoting some of my unanswered threads since I can see that new people had joined the forum and maybe they also hold new knowledge and can help solving some of the ID questions.