Posted by
Gordon on 16-10-2008 13:33
As Řivind Gammelmo has kindly sent me the Key to the Cremifaniidae I am now wondering if I have the family wrong. The photo is not very good but it clearly shows that while the arista is fairly normal, the subcostal cell is not wholly darkened, but neither is there a dark spot in the costal cell. Furthermore, while the photo does not show it, as far as I can determine it has 3 dorsocentral bristles, albeit only two remain on the left hand side.
Posted by
Gordon on 16-10-2008 15:52
Thanks Paul,
Now I can go and sleep in piece, like a dolphin, bit at a time. Anyway there were 4 Thaumaleids, 1 Canacid and an additional Clusiid in this Beabies sample, not to mention the 5 Anthribids.