Thread subject: :: Fly
Moscow region, 19 may, 7-7,5mm.
Damn fly escaped my exgauster.
Looking at photo I can't even guess family. Ulidiidae? Sciomyzidae?
Posted by
Kahis on 19-05-2006 20:57
Believe or not, this is a syrphid. The genus
Brachyopa is well known for not looking the part; it is often clasified as a muscid by those who have not seen it before (yes, I did that too...).
Brachyopa is not the easiest species to identify. If the photo was taken near dead spruce (
Picea sp.), I'd vote for
Brachyopa testacea.
I believe. I had to remind Paul's Brachyopa here two weeks ago, another species, but anyway...
Thank you Kahis.
1. To Kahis: Brachyopa sat on the fence from Picea or Pinus wood, there was several young Picea damaged by spring grass-fire in 20m.
2. To Paul: could you move it to Syrphidae forum.