Thread subject: :: Fly from Hong Kong: family is... ?
Found in Apr 07 on a hillside trail
Sorry that no dorsal side photo (and thus venation) could be made before it flew away...
Moved it to the Syrphidae forum to give you a first answer.
Posted by
Andre on 03-11-2008 20:37
Looks like some
Xylota or closely related genus... Maybe Gerard can be of any help?
Yep, I can, because I have a similar fly in my picture database.
It's a female Eumerus, but just as in Europe that as far as you're gonna get from a picture!
So, female Eumerus sp.!
Posted by
Andre on 04-11-2008 19:00
In that case, maddin may be interested...
Posted by
Maddin on 13-11-2008 02:47
This is a strange one... I do not think that this is Eumerus... the thin legs and the golden coloration, although the head looks like Eumerus... I would rather guess maybe something along Platycheirus???? But I am not sure at all....maybe I will get later an inspiration...
Well, in that case I'd suggest a female Speginobaccha sp., I think after looking again it's even a better suggestion than Eumerus. There are about a dozen species in the oriental I think.
Met it today in a butterfly garden of a country parkin Hong Kong... seems to be the same species?
Posted by
Andre on 27-04-2009 22:09
Do you collect also, or only make pictures?
Andre wrote:
Do you collect also, or only make pictures?
No... at the moment I do not have the space and skill to keep specimens.
But some of my friends do collect and keep them, though not confined to Diptera.
Posted by
Maddin on 30-04-2009 05:59
This one is clearly a Spheginobaccha! Great pic!