Thread subject: :: Volucella bombylans (was: Muscidae ? 6152)
To which family does this belong? a sort a kind ?
Midland of Russia, the Moscow region (Jugo-east area). 10.06.2005
Edited by
ChrisR on 29-11-2008 12:13
Syrphidae-Looks similar to Arctophila superbiens in the gallery, only a bit paler in colour,
In wrong forum
Posted by
ChrisR on 28-11-2008 11:36
I'd say
Volucella bombylans, if it was in England
You're probably right, I can't tell the difference between chalk and cheese so I've no chance with these things.
Off to lie down in a darkened room
Call me when its springtime
Thanks for the rendered help
And yes, it's a female Volucella bombylans, and this color variation is called plumata!
Gerard Pennards wrote:
And yes, it's a female Volucella bombylans, and this color variation is called plumata!
Thanks for the rendered help