Thread subject: :: Eristalis intricarius

Posted by blowave on 02-12-2008 21:48


I think this is Eristalis intricarius but there isn't any orange hairs on the thorax. Could it be anything else? Thanks! Smile

Taken on 25th July. Lincoln UK.

2 pics.


Posted by blowave on 02-12-2008 21:49

Pic 2

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 03-12-2008 23:03

You're right, it's a female Eristalis intricarius!

Posted by blowave on 03-12-2008 23:10

Thank you Gerard! Grin Ihad the male and female last year but they did have orange hairs. I lost those pics in a computer crash. Frown But the good part is I now have a better camera. Wink


Posted by blowave on 03-12-2008 23:19

Woops! I think I should have put intricaria Smile