Thread subject: :: Eupeodes corollae (male)?

Posted by blowave on 04-12-2008 18:21


One pic of this only, the marks look to me like Eupeodes corollae male, except the yellow shapes on T2&3 don't look to reach the edges of the abdomen. Could it be anything else? Thanks for any help! Smile

Lincoln UK, on 26th July.

Posted by blowave on 04-12-2008 23:22

I think I may have found what it is! Eupeodes latifasciatus, I found a fly without the marks joining but apparently they can. It also is supposed to have a greenish black abdomen, I think mine has a greenish tinge.

Any agreement on that? Smile

Edited by blowave on 04-12-2008 23:23

Posted by Andre on 06-12-2008 14:49

It is latifasciatus. Forget the tinge, it is not a reliable character. This species is rather variable. The yellow bands on the abdomen may remind to ski-glasses Smile

Posted by blowave on 06-12-2008 15:33

Thanks again Andre! yes they do look like ski-glasses! Grin

I hadn't seen this one but came across it while searching, luckily!
