Thread subject: :: Platycheirus podagratus?

Posted by Vladimir Davydov on 17-12-2008 12:03

St.-Peterburg, Lahta, lake coast
2008 12 september. Size 7-8 mm
Sorry for poor quality of image.
This is Platycheirus podagratus?

Edited by Vladimir Davydov on 17-12-2008 12:04

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 17-12-2008 12:47

Well, it is a male Platycheirus, but there are a lot of species of which the most are very difficult to identify from a picture.
For that we should have a specimen, so the question is have you collected it?

Posted by Andre on 18-12-2008 17:46

Or better angles to the spots on abdomen and on the front tarsae maybe?

Posted by Vladimir Davydov on 18-12-2008 18:51

Sorry, only one shot Frown