Thread subject: :: Eupeodes?

Posted by kurt on 04-01-2009 23:06

Is it possible to tell genus and even species on this male? Collorae?

Photo from Sk�llsj�n 62,57N 17,37E �ngermanland, Sweden 30 may 2008

Thanks for your help in advance


Kurt Holmqvist

Posted by kurt on 04-01-2009 23:07

One more on same fly

Posted by Andre on 05-01-2009 21:47

No, certainly n�t corollae. Much more interesting, but ID not possible (my first guess would have been Eupeodes goeldlini, anyway don't use it. Start collecting, take up this beautiful hobby Smile, there are so many interesting flies in your country and not so many collectors!)

Posted by kurt on 05-01-2009 21:57

Many thanks Andre for this and other answers

Perhaps I have more pictures from tha same place. What must be seen for possible ID?

Posted by Andre on 06-01-2009 11:10

Goeldlini cannot be ID'd from a picture, sorry (just like more Eupeodes-species)! But try to find pics with clear view on wing and frons, to exclude possible other species.