Thread subject: :: Eristalinus aeneus

Posted by zcuc on 21-02-2009 19:27

Found in a desert area need artificial lake. Eristalinus?

Edited by zcuc on 25-02-2009 14:40

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 21-02-2009 20:56

Syrphidae. Somewhere Eristalinus sepulchralis

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 21-02-2009 20:57

Posted by zcuc on 22-02-2009 22:55

Thanks Jorge,
Did you excluded E.aeneus ?

Posted by amalia_raluca on 24-02-2009 16:22

this is E. aeneus....male, eyes meet in front

Posted by zcuc on 25-02-2009 09:32

Thanks Amalia,
Can you explain the separating keys between E. aeneus and E.sepulchralis?

Posted by amalia_raluca on 25-02-2009 11:14

for the males it is easy: like i have already told you on E. anaeus' males the yes meet on frons and E. sepulchralis' eyes don't. also a criteria used also to identify males and females is the presence of the hairs on the eyes: on aeneus the eyes are hairy on the upper surface only and bare on the lower, and on sepulchralis the eyes are all hairy.
in the field, anaeus has a more elongate body.


Posted by zcuc on 25-02-2009 14:18

Amalia, thanks very much for the nice explanation Smile