Thread subject: :: Cheilosia couple

Posted by Sundew on 08-03-2009 00:10

In last July I met this couple on flowering wild carrots. I suppose it could belong to the same species. The male is much hairier, but this is not unusual (that's why men are in the need of shave Grin)
So do you think the two would make a good pair, and is a species guess possible? I have more pics, if other details are required.
Thanks, Sundew

This is the female.

Posted by Sundew on 08-03-2009 00:11

Here comes the male.

Posted by Andre on 09-03-2009 14:58

They are two different species. First is a female 'vulpina'.
The male is Ch. scutellata.

Posted by Menno Reemer on 09-03-2009 15:07

I do not agree with Andre that the male is C. scutellata: in that species the eyes are bare, while these pictures clearly show pilose eyes. In fact, the male might well be C. vulpina too, although the hairs on the face are not visible. In both cases I would say C. vulpina is a good guess, but I wouldn´t bet my life on it.

Posted by Andre on 09-03-2009 20:04

You are right.. I was not thinking (even looking at my specimens). Feel deeeeply ashamed Sad
One problem is, I lack male vulpina in my collection... have to get some soon Smile

Posted by Sundew on 09-03-2009 20:14

Andre: please don't worry, usually you are sooo good!Smile And many thanks to both of you. Cheilosia is such a difficult genus, and I really admire your skill.
Regards, Sundew

Posted by Andre on 13-03-2009 19:23
