I photografied this Syrphidae the last February in a village in Alicante, near Murcia, in the south of Spain. 3 different males yellow and white haired and 1 female. I didn't found much information about it. If you have some link, or information, please tell me.
There are few pics from this sp in internet and I wnat to share this with you.
Here, the pics:
Platynochaetus setosus female
Platynochaetus setosus male
Platynochaetus setosus male
Platynochaetus setosus yellow male
Platynochaetus setosus yellow male
Platynochaetus setosus yellow male
Platynochaetus setosus white male
You can see it at my blog:
And here my other pics of Syrphidae and Insects:
I hope you will consider this interesant.
Mario A. Diges
Edit: I don't know why the images are working like links...any idea?
Edit2: Well, I put it like links to make easier view it. I tried using img tags, but are not working.
Mario, the fact that the links are not working properly has to do with the spaces that are in the filenames. The system reads those as %20 but it give a problem when they have to be placed in the inline text.
I removed the [url ][/url ] tags from the links as the combination with the [img ][/img ] tags resulted in garbled links as well.
If you change the name of the phot files on the server so they are without spaces there should be no problem.