Thread subject: :: PREDATORY LARVA
Hello! Yesterday I found this larva hunting for aphids. Don't you know to what species does it belong (Syrphidae?) Thanks. Hubert
This is a really wonderful series of photographs. Only sorry I can't help with ID. I would guess Syrphid too, but I don't really know.
I would say a species of
Thank you Susan and Paul especially
I was not sure about Syrphid, therefore I had sent the picture to more common forum.
Posted by
elck on 21-06-2006 07:32
Sorry not such a good picture, but here is the revenge:
Syrphid larva eaten by Anatis ocellata larva
Edited by
elck on 21-06-2006 07:33
Yes Syrphidae A specialist for larvae is Graham Rotheray I am sure he would be delighted to see your astonishing
2elck: Try to guess