Thread subject: :: Early Eristalis intricaria? (07.05.09) --> Mallota fuciformis

Posted by Juergen Peters on 08-05-2009 02:14


I find them mostly in late summer, and there were many Volucella bombylans around here yesterday, so I only have this single photo (noticed that this one is *no* Volucella only at the PC). It has the "Eristalini" wave, but it does not look like Merodon equestis. So it must be Eristalis intricata? Size 10 mm, at a hawthorn hedge, northwest Germany.

Edited by Juergen Peters on 08-05-2009 19:05

Posted by Juergen Peters on 08-05-2009 02:48


Found another variant (male) in the (over 500) yesterday photos. So now it should be clear...

Edited by Juergen Peters on 08-05-2009 02:48

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 08-05-2009 08:30

Hey Juergen, congratulations!!!
The second is indeed a male Eristalis intricaria, but not the first! It's a female Mallota fuciformis, excellent find!!!
Always a very rare fly, next time you see it please catch one for me! Grin

Posted by Juergen Peters on 08-05-2009 19:00

Hello, Gerard!

Gerard Pennards wrote:
Hey Juergen, congratulations!!!
The second is indeed a male Eristalis intricaria, but not the first! It's a female Mallota fuciformis, excellent find!!!

Ah, very interesting, thanks! That genus I did not take into account, because I never found it, yet.