Posted by
LordV on 22-06-2006 06:56
Pic taken Yesterday South coast UK bug body length about 11mm
According to my British Insects book it's Eupeodes nitens but another hover expert thinks it's Xanthogramma pedissequum. Any views ?
(I'm not an expert BTW). If it's any help- it's territorial flight was different to hoverflies I've watched as it also bounced up down by about 3cms continuously.
Thanks Brian V.
Posted by
LordV on 03-07-2006 10:54
Perseus wrote:
PS: what camera and equipment did you use please?
My Dimage Z3 couid not do any better than this:
This was with a canon 20D with an MPE-65 lens flash
Brian V.
Edited by
LordV on 03-07-2006 15:06