Thread subject: :: Chrysotoxum?????
This specimen was dead when I caught it. It was near my garden. It is of the genus Chrysotoxum, but not that it specie especially it is.
Can someone help me?
Thank you!
Posted by
Maddin on 18-05-2009 17:19
It looks like Chrysotoxum, but it would help to submit a bigger pic and also to tell on which continent your garden is... that can narrow down the identification
Sorry Martin. I forgot this detail, I am of Spain, more concretly of Galicia (NW of Spain). As for the photo, I make you bigger.
Thank you!
Nobody can help me? , Do you know the species of this Spanish Crhysotoxum ?
Thank you!
Posted by
ChrisR on 22-05-2009 18:10
I think the photo is just too dark and lacking enough detail for many people to comment. Also, might be better posted to the Syrphidae part of the forum
I can move it if you'd like.
Ok, move it if you can, to seeing if this way I obtain answers. Thank you for everything!