Thanks Pierre
Up here it is more likely to be
E.corollae I think, very common species although a migrant.
E.luniger is regarded as a vagrant, with only two sightings, the last being September 1995.
Regards Roger
Andre wrote:
Or Sphaerophoria?
I've been around the garden almost every day this year and haven't seen any
Sphaerophoria...Had a few
E.corollae though.
Anyone seen any
Syrphus this year??????
I've seen 3 all year....where are they????
We have no Local population...all migrants from UK and Norway according to the bumph I have...are there any being seen there??
Regards Roger
PS; I put this in the wrong Forum, should have been in Diptera ( eggs, larvae and pupae) not Syrphidae...oops.