Thread subject: :: Syrphidae, but no idea which one

Posted by Rupert Huber on 18-07-2009 13:12

Hello to all!
Does anybody know this nice hoverfly? Size approx. 10mm or a bit more.

11 July 2009, Austria, Salzburger Land, Russbach, on the way to Mt. Bodenberg, about 1200m asl


Posted by pierred on 18-07-2009 14:47


Dipdip showed us one a few days ago.

Posted by Rupert Huber on 18-07-2009 17:34

Hello Pierre,
are you sure? I can't find anything matching in her recent posts (this year). The closest (but still far away as far as I can see) is the Platycheirus from 29 June. So where should I look? Shock

Posted by pierred on 19-07-2009 07:41

Sorry, I surely made a confusion.
But I would vote for Platycheirus sp. I don't know which one.