Thread subject: :: Helophilus trivittatus (male)

Posted by valter on 24-07-2009 14:58

Location: Faro, Portugal

Date: July 24, 2009


Edited by valter on 24-07-2009 23:19

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 24-07-2009 20:10

Yes, but why do you think it's a female? In the genus Helophilus the male's eyes are also separated, so you have to look at the tip of the abdomen. This is a male (abdomen not with a tip, but rounded), also the male colors are a bit different from the female's!

Posted by valter on 24-07-2009 22:07

But the end of the abdomen is different from this one (also male):

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 24-07-2009 23:12

Yep, that is because this one has bend it's abdomen a bit downwards, so it's harder to see it has a knob on the end of the abdomen!

Posted by Andre on 26-07-2009 22:40

Do you have a view on the face?

Posted by valter on 26-07-2009 23:23

Andre wrote:
Do you have a view on the face?
