Thread subject: :: E. pertinax (f) ?

Posted by AndrewC on 28-07-2009 20:52

Can one of you experts confirm this is E. pertinax, female ? The head just doesn't look right to me.

Trying to confirm the ID I realise I should have got a clearer shot of the tarsi and back

Thanks, Andrew

Edited by AndrewC on 28-07-2009 20:52

Posted by AndrewC on 28-07-2009 20:54


Posted by AndrewC on 28-07-2009 20:55


Posted by Roger Thomason on 28-07-2009 21:20

Hi Andrew
Not an expert but it does appear to be E.pertinax Female. Best to show a dorsal shot of Syrphids as it does make it easier.
Attached is a live shot of the same type to compare the faces.
Regards Roger