Thread subject: :: Xylota segnis ? ID ok ?

Posted by brigitteu on 02-08-2009 02:49

high-wind, less light, sorry for bad qualitiy . . .

Location: highmoore, near like zurich, switzerland
date: 01.08.09
size: about 12 mm

Thanks, Brigitte

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 02-08-2009 18:09

Xylota is right. for species to me would be X. cf. segnis. I don't know all Xylota. Wink

Posted by brigitteu on 03-08-2009 18:00

the pic is - one time more - not good enough too. Xylota ist well. Thanks.
now I know where the Xylotas are "at home - so getting a chance for better picsWink