Thread subject: :: Sarcophagidae with hope to ID
South Turkey, 08 Sept, about 7mm, 5 males and 1 female from stones near forest stream.
With such a painted wings species level is possible?
Very nice !
Probable wrong...maybe Sarcosolomonia sp. ?
On stones near a stream, and with these spotted wings, I would intuitively say
Edit -> typo corrected (thx Jorge).
Maybe a Senotainia egregia Zimin, 1928 ?
* it's
Sphenometopa not "**pia."
I do not recognize this species.
Sphenometopa is a possibility. This is a genus with a lot of species often known from just a few specimens.
It could be S. steinii which seems to have a similar pattern of wing spot. S. steinii is known from Yugoslavia.
A foto of head and a dorsal view of specimen could help to confirm Sphenometopa and get us closer to identification on species level.
Thank all of you.
I'll make more views, ok.
I hope it is 2 in 1: either head and dorsal.
This specimen does not fit any - by me - known genera of Miltogramminae.
It seams related to Sphenometopa, but in Sphenometopa R5 is closed at wing margin and in this specimen R5 is wide open at wing margin as in Beludzhia. In Beludzhia only 1 species known with different wing pattern and second part of arista long.
I will have to consult some other specialists on Miltogramminae.
Thomas Pape has confirmed this to be Sphenometopa steinii.
Apparently some subgenera of Sphenometopa do have R5 open.