Thread subject: :: Tipulidae

Posted by JariF on 01-10-2009 19:43


I wonder what would be THE book for Tipulidae here in Finland. Is the old Lindner still enough or is there any new books with keys and genital pictures ?


Posted by KWQ on 02-10-2009 07:09

I've understood from our one and only Finnish Tipulidae/Limoniidae-specialist, that it means at least a day in the library beside a copying machine. The more recent literature is most likely scattered in many articles and revisions.

The literature as well as species lists seem to be generally sparser and a lot harder to collect in gnats than in flies.

But I would also feel slightly interested if there were recent European revisions in at least some of the Nematocera groups. At least there is a good Russian publication of Mycetophilidae (by Zaitsev) in the Helsinki museum.

Posted by JariF on 02-10-2009 15:06

Thank's Kaj. I was a bit affraid I will have an answer like that Frown Maybe we should collect some kind of list of all the papers that are necessary. Or maybe I will just forget the whole thing Frown Let's see.


Posted by Louis Boumans on 13-10-2009 09:34

For Ctenophorinae there is a recent key by Oosterbroek et al.

For NW European Tipulidae, Limoniidae and Pediciidae, Alan Stubbs has provisonal keys. I think he s still preparing a definitive version.

Oosterbroek and Stubbs allowed me to put a pdf of their keys online:



I'm afraid my OCR treatmentdistorted Oosterbroek et al.'s scan a bit..

Posted by AlexP on 13-10-2009 10:48

Excellent monograph of E.Savtchenko in the series "Fauna of Russia" Vol.2. It consists of 4 books.
Unfortunately it is in Russian and nomenclature a little outdated. However try to check it (I think I saw at least some of the volumes at Helsinki museum) there are at least male genitalia figures for every species (very useful in many cases Smile).

Posted by paqui on 16-11-2009 21:19

Hello, I´d like to buy palaearctic keys for Tipulidae and Limoniidae, I´m thinking about Lindner:
Fortgeführt von: Theowald, Br. Bearbeitet von: Mannheims, B. 1980. V , 538 Seiten, 379 Abbildungen, 8 Tafeln, 24 Faltbeilagen, 26x19cm Band III / 5 Teil 1I´m not sure about when Limoniidae got apart from Tipulidae, does anyone know if it includes just Tipulidae or if is inclomplete? Thanks in advance, regards

* edited: It has just Tipulidae

Edited by paqui on 15-02-2010 18:19

Posted by JariF on 18-12-2009 09:59

Thank You all of of You. I didn't notice these answers until now. Now I have something to start with and must find that Savtchenko book.


Posted by empeejay on 19-12-2009 16:48

JariF wrote:
Thank You all of of You. I didn't notice these answers until now. Now I have something to start with and must find that Savtchenko book.


You might want to check out this page then: -


Posted by Andrius on 22-12-2009 08:54

To make things easier, the E.Savtchenko files at that library are here:

"Fauna of Russia" Vol.2 p. III - http://herba.msu....dae_3.djvu
"Fauna of Russia" Vol.2 p. IV - http://herba.msu....dae_4.djvu
"Fauna of Russia" Vol.2 p. V - http://herba.msu....dae_5.djvu

You will need a DjVu viewer to view the files and I could recommend a free one from http://www.camino....aspx?id=1

Posted by clovis on 16-07-2011 14:17

The links to "Fauna of Russia" are no longuer available, do you know where i could find them?


Posted by atylotus on 25-07-2011 15:14

send your e-mail adress to atylotus (ton.vanhaaren{at} and I can send you PDF or djvu in return of the three Savchenko books.

Edited by atylotus on 25-07-2011 15:14